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2018 ESG Application

The 2018 NC ESG RFA was released on July 20
Submission Deadline: Friday October 26, 5:00 pm
All applications must be received, in the NC ESG Office, no later than 5:00 pm, October 26, 2018

All prospective applicants are encouraged to register for one of two tutorials reviewing and discussing the completion of the 2018-19 NC ESG application.  They are schedule to occur on:

Register: Project Application Overview Presentation Slides

Register: Regional Lead and Fiscal Sponsor Application Overview Presentation Slides

Applications in response to the RFA must be received by 5:00pm on Friday, October 26, 2018.  All applications received by this deadline will be reviewed.  Late applications will not be reviewed.

Please note that each Region (Local Planning Area) should submit the following in a 3-ring binder(s) no larger than 2 inches each, tabbed according to the checklist in the RFA:

One Regional Application

• One Project Application for each of the agencies recommended for funding
• One soft (electronic) copy on a flash drive of the complete application.
*The documents on the flash drive should be in the same order as the hard copy application
*Please be sure to write your LPA name on the flash drive

Please see the application checklists (Appendix 1 Regional Application and Appendix 3 Project Application) for a complete list of all information that must be submitted with regional and project applications.

If using the United States Postal Service (USPS), mail ESG application and supporting documents to:
Kim Crawford
2101 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2101

If using Courier services (such as UPS, Federal Express, etc.) or Hand Delivery:
Kim Crawford
693 Palmer Drive
Raleigh, NC 27603


How to Obtain Further Information

Direct all inquiries concerning this RFA to:

Kim Crawford
ESG Homeless Programs Coordinator
Phone: 919-855-4991


Chris Battle
ESG Homeless Programs Coordinator
Phone: 919-855-4984