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2018 Bringing it Home Conference Presentations

Thank you to all our presenters at the

2018 Bringing it Home Conference!

To see a full list of Speaker Bios, please visit this link



2018 Bringing It Home Conference Workshops & Presentations
Day One Trainings
Developing and Strengthening Rapid Rehousing Programs  Rapid rehousing is a vital component in any housing crisis response system. With rapid rehousing programs, communities help to make homelessness brief by quickly connecting individuals and families to financial assistance and services to stabilize in housing. This intensive training will review the core components of effective rapid rehousing programs and discuss how to address common challenges in implementation.  Ben Cattell Noll



Is Your Program Housing First?

Rapid-Rehousing Checklist

Reducing Barriers and Creating Housing-Focused Shelters  Emergency shelters play a key role in housing crisis response systems. This intensive training will provide an overview of the key elements shelters need to make the shift to low-barrier, housingfocused programs as they look to serve more households and reduce unsheltered homelessness in their communities.   Kay Moshier McDivitt



Organizational Questionaire

Merged Element Reviews

Reviewing Your Shelter's Rules

Putting the Pieces Together: Housing Crisis Response Systems  Housing crisis response systems underwent many changes over the past several years. From coordinated entry to system performance measures, communities are moving towards operating as a system to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time only for the people they serve. This intensive training will provide an overview of why the system is changing and what to expect on the horizon for your community.

 Emily Carmody

Denise Neunaber 

Day Two: Workshop Session I
Landlord Development: Outreach Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Landlords Homeless service systems depend on strong partnerships with landlords. This session will explore how to engage and recruit local landlords to support efforts to end homelessness. Topics include risk mitigation funds, landlord events, and landlord retention.


Terry Allebaugh

Jeff Rawlings

Jenny Moffatt



Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Environment Many individuals and families who access shelter have experienced traumatic life events before entering programs. This session will review key strategies for shelters and housing programs to use to ensure they are providing trauma-informed services.

Deena Fulton

Jennifer Tisdale



Trauma Informed Organizational Tool Kit

Trauma Informed DV Agencies

Fair Housing for Temporary Housing Shelters, bridge housing, and transitional housing programs must understand and comply with Fair Housing Law. This session will provide an overview of how fair housing policies impact program design and policy. Kelly Clarke Slides
The Foundations: Ensuring Quality Data The first step in being able to use data as an agency and community is to ensure data entry is accurate. This session will review best practices for data entry and common mistakes that have a big impact.

Cecelia Peers

Andrea Carey

Nicole Purdy

Progressive Engagement as a Systems Approach Using progressive engagement can help communities target resources better and increase flow through homeless programs. This session will explore what progressive engagement is and how it can impact your homeless service system. Kay Moshier McDivitt Slides
Day Two: Workshop Session II
The Knock at the Door Will your agency be ready when HUD knocks at your door? This workshop will provide recipients of HUD funds with an inside look at the four key risk factors in determining which recipients are selected for a HUD monitoring. Learn what HUD expects of a state recipient and how those expectations are passed down to state recipients. Hear from HUD staff on how to prepare for a HUD monitoring both in the areas of grants and financial management. Learn what to do if you have a HUD finding or concern.

Harry Miles

Kellice Chance



ESG Written Standards Checklist

ESG Required Policies and Standards Element Checklist 

ESG Required Written standards for Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing

Engaging with your Public Housing Authority  Access to affordable housing is crucial in ending homelessness. Local public housing authorities can be a great resource for homeless service systems. Learn from PHA leadership and homeless agencies about how to engage and establish partnerships that increase access to affordable housing for households experiencing homelessness.


Brian Alexander

David Nash



Asheville HA


PHA Toolkit

Data and Real World Impact  This session will explore how programs can use their data and reports to better understand program performance and evaluate their impact on homelessness.

Tia Sanders-Rice

Jasmin Volkel

Having an Impact: Housing and Homelessness Polic Making  What's on the horizon for federal and state policy? How do we make our voices heard in the process? This session will help participants understand the current policy landscape around housing and homelessness and how they can advocate to end homelessness.

Samuel Gunter

Ehren Dohler 



Accessing Resources Beyond HUD There are many resources available to help people experiencing homelessness besides HUD programs. This session will explore how communities can access social security benefits through SOAR, housing and services through the Transitions to Community Living Initiative, and other resources.

Emily Carmody

Jessa Johnson

Brookes Ann McKinney



Mission Health System


Day Two: Workshop Session III
What's Ahead: ESG 2018-2019 RFA ESG office staff will discuss highlights and common issues from the 2017 ESG application. The session will also review components and requirements for the 2018-2019 RFA process.

Kim Crawford

Chris Battle


Resources: fw9

State Certification

Federal Certification


Reducing Shelter Demand: Scaling Up Prevention and Diversion This session will provide an overview of the benefits of prevention and diversion in an emergency response system. Through creative and inexpensive interventions, prevention and diversion programs allow systems to insure that they are prioritizing shelter for households with no other options.

Tiana Terry

Nicole Bagley



Urban Ministries


Beyond Reporting: Translating Performance Measures  System Performance Measures allow communities to view their progress towards ending homelessness from a wider system level. Learn the basics of these measures, what they mean for funding, and how they can be used to drive program and system decisions.

Denise Neunaber 

Courtney Morton 




Mecklenburg County

Feeling the Crunch: Affordable Housing Crisis-impact on services Housing affordability is a growing challenge for communities across the state and country. This session will focus on mapping the affordable housing crisis, its causes, and how responses impact the work of homeless service providers.

Samuel Gunter

Terry Allebaugh 



Moving On from Permanent Supportive Housing  Move-on policies in permanent supportive housing (PSH) programs allow for households to transition into more independent housing and create room to serve more vulnerable households. This session will explore how PSH programs can design and implement move-on policies.

Talaika Williams

Tim West

Romonda Gaston


