Balance of State Continuum of Care: 2014 Application Information
The materials below are from the 2014 CoC funding application.
Please note the 2014 application is closed. These materials are provided for reference only.
2014 Scorecard for Renewal Projects
Each year, the Scorecard Committee creates a scorecard that the Project Review Committee uses to score project applications.
Project Application Instructions
This document outlines all application materials that must be submitted to NCCEH.
Match/Leverage Explainer
This document provides a detailed explanation of match and leverage requirements.
Esnaps Explainer
This is a step-by-step guide to completing the application in esnaps (HUD's online application system).
Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
Form for PHAs
Form for non-PHAs
ALL applicants must complete this form. It is submitted to the State to determine whether projects are consistent with the goals of the State Consolidated Plan. Public Housing Authorities should fill out the "Form for PHAs." All other agencies should fill out the "Form for non-PHAs."
Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)
The GIW lists all projects eligible for renewal in the 2013 application. Agencies may only renew for the budget amounts and/or unit configurations listed in the GIW.
Application Submission Form
Agencies must upload all application materials by Friday, October 3, at 5:00 p.m.
2014 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
HUD released the NOFA on September 16, 2014.
Orientation Call Presentation
Presentation from the Project Review Committee's first meeting.
Community Section of Scorecard
Project Review Committee members should use this shortened version of the scorecard when scoring applications.