NC Balance of State Continuum of Care: 2017 CoC Application
(posted 9.22.17)
Balance of State agencies that are interested in applying for new (not renewal) funds in the 2017 CoC competition are asked to fill out the Intent to Apply form by Friday, July 21.
The Funding Priorities Workgroup developed funding priorities for the 2017 CoC competition to ensure the BoS has essential infrastructure elements, expand program availability, and ensure CoC funding is used effectively. The funding priorities were approved by the Steering Committee on July 11.
Project Application Instructions and Required Forms
Project Application Instructions: New Projects
Provides detailed instructions for all materials that must be submitted for new projects.
Project Application Instructions: Renewal Projects
Provides detailed instructions for all materials that must be submitted for renewal projects.
Grantee Certification
ALL applicants must complete this form and submit it with their application.
Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
Form for PHAs
Form for non-PHAs
ALL applicants must complete this form. It is submitted to the State to determine whether projects are consistent with the goals of the State Consolidated Plan. Public Housing Authorities should fill out the "Form for PHAs." All other agencies should fill out the "Form for non-PHAs."
Permanent Supportive Housing Form
Applicants requesting PSH grants must complete this form and submit it with their application.
Rapid Re-Housing Form
Applicants requesting RRH grants must complete this form and submit it with their application.
New Project Thresholds Form
Applicants requesting new projects must submit this form regarding threshold requirements on the scorecard.
New Project Standards Form
Applicants requesting new projects must submit this form regarding standard questions on the scorecard.
Links to Submit Application Materials
Application materials must be submitted using the links below. Refer to the Project Application Instructions posted above to ensure you are submitting all required materials for each deadline. All deadlines end at 5:00 p.m.
August 4 Deadline: submit
August 18 Project Review Committee Deadline: submit
August 18 NCCEH Staff Deadline: submit
Explainers and GIW
Esnaps Explainer
This is a step-by-step guide to completing the project application in esnaps (HUD's online application system).
Match Explainer
This document explains the eligible sources and needed documentation for match.
2017 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)
The GIW lists all projects eligible for renewal in the 2017 application. Agencies may only renew for the budget amounts and unit configurations listed in the GIW.
The Project Review Committee, composed of representatives from BoS Regional Committees and staffed by NCCEH, is responsible for scoring project applications and creating the ranked list of projects that is presented for Steering Committee approval.
Renewal Scorecard for PRC Members
8.22.17 Meeting Minutes
(posted 8.22.17)
9.8.17 Meeting Minutes
(posted 9.11.17)
9.18.17 Meeting Minutes
(posted 9.19.17)