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NC Balance of State CoC Program Grantees

This page contains resources for agencies that receive Continuum of Care (CoC) funding for rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, Supportive Services Only, and HMIS projects.
Resources below include trainings and documents about best practices from NCCEH, HUD, and other national partners.

The list linked below shows the most recent awards of CoC Program Funding in North Carolina. The NC Balance of State CoC awards are listed under NC-503. 

FY2024 Grantees

Performance Improvement Plan Materials

In the NC Balance of State, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness staff will lead grantee oversight efforts, focusing their attention on three major areas to help grantees improve program design and performance:  written standards, grant compliance, and spending. 

The intent of the oversight process is to improve project performance and to assist the Balance of State to end homelessness across its 79-county geographic region.  To meet these goals, NCCEH staff will provide oversight to:

  • Help grantees better understand HUD regulations and how to stay in compliance;
  • Assist grantees to improve program design, targeting of resources, and grant administration to most efficiently and effectively work with the most vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness; and
  • Improve the Balance of State CoC’s grant portfolio to ensure competitiveness in the annual CoC competition and increase the chances for renewal and new grant funding.

If you are CoC staff interested in adopting the Performance Improvement Plan process, please emil to get more detailed information on how we execute this procedure. 

PSH Grant Information Form

PSH Granteee Document Checklist

PSH Staff and Training Document

RRH Grant Information Form

RRH Grantee Document Checklist

RRH Staff and Training Document

BoS PSH Grantee Training
Covers grant data, maximizing spending, and move-on programs

6.14.17 BoS Grantee Webinar
Covers grant spending & coverage 

6.28.17 BoS Grantee Webinar
Covers APRs 

In August 2017, the Steering Committee passed a policy requiring CoC grantees to receive approval prior to implementing a significant change to their grant. The policy and process for requesting approval are linked below.

BoS CoC Grant Significant Change Policy

Procedure for Requesting CoC Grant Significant Change

Significant Change Request Form