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Balance of State Regional Committees

The Balance of State CoC is organized into Regional Committees that coordinate local work and planning. Each Regional Committee is represented on the BoS CoC Steering Committee by a Regional Lead who is elected annually (in January or February). The Regional Lead is responsible for carrying out the tasks on the Regional Lead Job Description and working to achieve the goals listed in the BoS CoC Action Plan.
Regional Committee Resources

In 2020, NCCEH was awarded a $1.25 Million 5-year grant from the Bezos Day 1 Families Fund. The agency has sub-granted funds to providers in the NC BoS CoC to serve families with children facing homelessness to help them regain stable housing through diversion and rapid rehousing. NCCEH is shifting directions in 2024 to fund NC BoS Regional Committees. The RFP timeline and additional resources can be found below. 

NC BoS Regional RFP Webinar (July 18, 2024)

Webinar Slides

Webinar Recording


NC BoS Regional RFP Materials (Due August 30, 2024)

Regional RFP Instructions

Regional RFP Application

Regional RFP Partner Agreement Form 

Regional RFP Scorecard