Balance of State Subcommittees and Workgroups
The North Carolina Balance of State Continuum of Care currently has 5 standing subcommittees. With the exception of the Lived Expertise Advisory Council which is specifically for people currently experiencing or have previously experienced homelessness, subcommittees are open to any interested party. The subcommittees review performance measures, assess progress, and discuss best practices.
NC Balance of State subcommittees are open to all interested members of the NC Balance of State. Grantees that receive rapid re-housing or permanent supportive housing funding should participate in the appropriate subcommittee.
Subcommittee meetings are held every two to three months via conference call and webinar. The meetings are posted on the NCCEH website calendar as they are scheduled.
More information is available on the subcommittee webpages.
The purpose of the NC Balance of State workgroups is to investigate and make decisions about specific issues facing the CoC. There are currently no active workgroups.
Workgroups are made up of volunteer membership. Information about meetings is sent to these members.
More information is available on the workgroup webpages.
Information from workgroups that are now inactive is archived on the pages below.