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BoS Rapid Re-Housing Subcommittee

The Rapid Re-Housing Subcommittee is for agencies that are running or are interested in running RRH programs. All CoC and ESG grantees that receive RRH funding should participate in this subcommittee.

9.16.16 Meeting
Meeting Notes
Topics: Core components of RRH overview: rent and move-in assistance

6.17.16 Meeting
Meeting Notes
Topics: Core components of RRH overview: housing identification

12.18.15 Meeting
Video and tools
Topics: NAEH RRH Module 5: Outcomes, Community Examples, and Evalution

9.18.15 Meeting
Video and tools
Topics: NAEH RRH Module 4: Voluntary Service Provision

6.19.15 Meeting
Video and tools
Topics: NAEH RRH Module 3: Designing Subsidies

3.20.15 Meeting
RRH Data Entry Workflow Overview
Video and tools
Topics: NAEH RRH Module 2: Housing Search and Location & Relationships with Landlords

12.12.14 Meeting
Video and tools
Topics: NAEH RRH Module 1: Housing Barriers Assessment

9.19.14 Meeting
Topics: Group case conferencing

6.20.14 Meeting
Topics: RRH in HMIS and CoC strategic planning objectives

3.21.14 Meeting
NAEH History and Core Components of RRH
Topics: Core components of RRH

12.10.13 Meeting
Topics: Using RRH to reduce family homelessness

9.23.13 Meeting
Meeting Notes
Topics: Discussion of SNAPS email outlining RRH core components

7.9.13 Meeting
Meeting Notes
Topics: Discussion of ESG funding and RRH