2019 Bringing it Home Conference
Read more about conference speakers here.
Day One | ||
Presentation Title | Description (with link to presentation) | Speaker Name |
Welcome and Opening Program |
Secretary Mandy Cohen Slides Denise Neunaber Slides |
Samuel Gunter, North Carolina Housing Coalition Joe Breen, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Secretary Tara Myers, North Carolina Human Services Serectray Mandy Cohen, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Denise Neunaber, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness |
Fostering Agency Leadership in a Crisis Response System |
Executive Directors, Program Directors, and Board Members are challenged to meet the needs of households within their agency and within the scope of their community’s housing crisis response system. This intensive session will focus on how to develop and strengthen agency leadership by exploring how to design programs within complex systems to meet complex problems by using data and input from people with lived experience, implementing needed adaptive leadership skills to successfully lead an organization, and growing sustainability for homless service. Handout |
Beth Bordeaux, Partners for Impact
Strengthening Rapid Rehousing Programs |
Rapid rehousing is a vital component in any housing crisis response system. Communities can make homelessness brief by quickly connecting individuals and families to finanical assistance and services to stabilize housing. This intensive training will help programs understand the critical role RRH plays in ending homelessness and gain an understanding of practical strategies for implementation of the three core components of rapid re-housing: housing identification, financial assistance, and case management and services. Handout |
Ben Cattell Noll, National Alliance to End Homelessness, Washington, DC
The Role of Emergency Shelter in an Effective Crisis Response System |
Emergency shelters play a key role in the housing crisis response system. This intensive training will look at best practices in creating client flow in shelter while moving more households into permanent housing and reducing the unsheltered homeless population in communities. The training will cover the five core elements of effective emergency shelter, low-barrier service strategies, housing-focused case management, critical factors for effective program design and implementation, and planning for next steps. Handouts Self-Assessment and Action Plan Housing First Self-Assessment and Action Plan Diversion Self-Assessment Action Plan Low-Barrier Self- Assessment and Action Plan Housing-focused and Rapid Exit Services Self-Assessment and Action Plan |
Kay Moshier McDivitt, National Alliance to End Homelessness, Washington, DC
Streamlining Housing Crisis Response Systems through Coordinated Entry |
This intensive session will focus on improving your current Coordinated Entry process. We’ll review existing challenges in North Carolina CoCs and NC BoS CoC regions and help communities go beyond simply complying with the minimum HUD requirements and instead focus on how to make Coordinated Entry even more effective. This session will review the essential purpose of Coordinated Entry and common challenges, identify strategies to overcome challenges, and explore practical examples from actual communities who took a more dynamic system management approach. Participants should come prepared for interactive exercises and discussion. |
Matt White, National Coordinated Entry Expert
Finding Our Way Home: A Writing Workshop | This workshop will give participants guidance and support to write short prose and poetry about homelessness and the value and meaning of home in our personal and professional lives. The session is highlighted for persons with lived experience of homelessness but is constructed to include all who would like to attend. It is led by Shanita Jackson, who will be one of the featured presenters at the Champions for Change plenary session on Wednesday. | Shanita Jackson, Berea College, Kentucky |
Day Two | ||
10:30-11:15 | ||
Presentation Title | Description (with link to presentation) | Speaker Name |
ESG Funding: It’s Worth the Effort |
ESG recipients will discuss key points on how to apply for ESG funds and highlight how these funds help their programs operate. Participants will hear from current ESG recipients about what ESG funding has done for them and what it can do for you. ESG staff and participating organizations will also be available for questions and discussion. |
Chris Battle, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Having an Impact: Housing and Homelessness Policymaking | What’s on the horizon for federal and state policy? How do we make our voices heard in the process? This session will help participants understand the current policy landscape around housing and homelessness and how they can advocate to end homelessness. |
Ehren Dohler, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
Breaking Barriers: Partnerships Between Housing and Healthcare |
This session will explore new partnerships between housing and healthcare systems. Panelists will highlight new research to identify promising practices in tenancy support services in permanent supportive housing and new practices to incorporate occupational therapist expertise in providing shelter and housing services.
Handout |
Emily Carmody, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
Trauma-Informed Care: Moving from Concept to Practice |
What does it mean to be trauma-informed? Is your community minimizing toxic stress or re-traumatizing persons entering the homeless system? This session will explore how to apply trauma-informed care principles and practices within organizations and as a system.
Megan Raymond, Inter-Faith Council for Social Service
Ending Youth Homelessness |
Take your community’s response to youth homelessness to the next level. This session will provide an overview of promising practices for system level response to youth homelessness and how a local youth agency is using rapid rehousing to end homelessness.
Slides |
Rivianna Hyatt, True Colors Fund
1:45-3:00 | ||
Presentation Title | Description (with link to presentation) | Speaker Name |
Using Data in Program Design |
How can an agency look at data to improve their program design and outcomes? This session will show agencies how HMIS data can be used to evaluate programs and highlight how a local shelter utilizes data to examine long-term stayers and system flow. Men's Shelter of Charlotte Slides NCCEH Slides
Liz Clasen-Kelly, Men’s Shelter of Charlotte
New Opportunities through State Initiatives |
This session will be an overview of two unique opportunities for partnership with the NC Department of Health and Human Services. Speakers will provide information about the NC Early Childhood Action Plan and the Medicaid Healthy Opportunities Pilots. Homeless service providers will learn how they can participate and how their expertise can strengthen these state initiatives.
Erika Ferguson, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Ending Homelessness for Domestic Violence Survivors: Crucial Steps to Partnerships Between DV Providers and CoCs | Robin Gauthier from Samaritan House in Virginia Beach, VA will highlight how Domestic Violence shelter providers can partner with CoCs. Highlights of the presentation include how Samaritan House utilizes comparable databases, braids funding, participates in coordinated entry, and utilizes a rapid rehousing approach to strengthen partnerships with the local CoC and ensure access to services for survivors. | Robin Gauthier, Samaritan House, Virginia Beach, VA |
Innovations in Landlord Engagement |
Homeless service systems depend on strong partnerships with landlords. So how do we get landlords to be a part of our team? This session will explore innovations in how to engage and recruit local landlords for programs, including working in a rural setting and recruiting landlords at a system level. Slides |
Harry Mack, Socialserve
Eviction Diversion and Prevention: Strategies That Make an Impact |
Eviction is a hot button issue. How can we prevent people from being evicted so that they do not have another housing barrier to overcome? This expert panel will discuss efforts in eviction prevention from across the state and highlight strategies that housing agencies can use to prevent eviction.
Slides |
Debbie Alford, Homeward Bound
Charles Holton, Duke Law School |
3:15-4:30 | ||
Presentation Title | Description (with link to presentation) | Speaker Name |
Public Health Crises and Homeless Service Systems: Partnerships to Keep People Healthy and Safe |
Do you know how your agency or system would respond to a health outbreak? Panelists from the NC Division of Public Health will discuss how homeless service agencies can effectively partner with local departments of public health to address Hepatitis A, tuberculosis, and use harm reduction to keep staff and clients healthy and safe.
Zack Moore, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Change Making with Data | During this interactive session, the panel will work with participants to develop answers to this question: How can agencies and system partners iterate change and tell a story so that decision makers and community partners understand the direction things are moving and have enough confidence to make the next steps that are needed to improve outcomes? |
Ehren Dohler, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
Creative Ideas for Developing Housing Stock |
The need for developing affordable housing is great, but the thought of developing housing can feel overwhelming for homeless service providers. This session will explore innovative ways for homeless service systems to create housing stock such as small-scale developments using Housing Choice Vouchers and the development of micro-housing villages.
NC State Slides
Reinvestment Partners Slides |
Terry Allebaugh, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness Thomas Barrie, North Carolina State University, College of Design
Innovations in Disaster Response: Back@Home | After Hurricane Florence, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, the North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness, and local housing agencies came together to create an innovative disaster rehousing program, Back@Home. An expert panel will provide an overview of the rehousing program; highlight lessons learned in program design, data collection, and program implementation; discuss the impact on state and federal disaster response; and discuss implications for housing providers in North Carolina. |
Erika Ferguson, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Jon Bumgardner, First Fruit Ministries
Creating Partnerships to Support Children and their Education |
Do you know what services school-aged children who enter the homeless services system are eligible for? Do you know who to call to get families connected to school supports? This interactive panel will focus on strategies to strengthen collaborations between homeless education liaisons and housing partners.
Handouts Housing and Education Collaboration to Serve Homeless Youth |
Tricia Lentz, The SERVE Center at UNCG