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COVID-19 Response

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), NCCEH encourages all homeless services providers to review these resources, as well as to continue to check back with the NC Department of Health and Human Services for the latest updates regarding the Coronavirus in North Carolina and the Centers for Disease Control for the status of Coronavirus in the United States. For more information, you can visit NCDHHS's Coronavirus FAQ or you can call (866)-462-3821 for questions about the Coronavirus.

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On Wednesday, March 18th NCCEH and the NC Emergency Solutions Grants Office at the NC Department of Health and Human Services hosted a virtual meeting for shelters, transitional houses, day centers or other congregate facilities serving people experiencing homelessness to discuss the response to COVID-19. Click here to view the recording of this meeting.
In response to the executive order declaring a State of Emergency on Tuesday, March 10th, we created a survey to assess the preparedness and needs of shelters, transitional housing, and drop-in centers pertaining to the anticipated spread of COVID-19. 

On Wednesday, March 25th NCCEH and the NC Emergency Solutions Grants Office at the NC Department of Health and Human Services hosted a virtual meeting for housing programs to discuss the response to COVID-19. Click here to view the recording of this meeting.