2019 Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Chart
Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing Projects that are NOT using the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) should follow the steps below to capture information required for the 2019 Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Chart.
Point-in-Time Count
A google survey form should be completed for each household that sleeps in your emergency shelter or transitional housing project on the night of Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
There are two options for collecting information from clients.
Option 1: Use Paper Survey Forms
Action Step 1: Download and print paper survey forms found here.
Action Step 2: Use the paper survey forms to gather information. One paper should be completed for each household.
Action Step 3: Submit Information! Enter the information you gathered into the google survey form. Each paper survey should be entered as a separate google survey form.
Option 2: Enter Data Directly into Google Survey Forms
Action Step 1: Skip the paper form! Use the google survey form to ask questions of clients and enter the data directly into the google form survey here. One survey should be completed for each household.
Housing Inventory Chart
Background: Information about your project is included in the Housing Inventory Chart that includes information on all emergency shelter and transitional housing projects available in our geographic region.
Action Step 1: Download the excel reporting document found here.
Action Step 2: Fill out the applicable pink cells in the second and third tabs at the bottom named “Part 1 Project Info” and “Part II Bed Inventory” on the excel reporting document.
Tip: If you have more than one project, complete and submit a separate excel for each project!
Action Step 3: Submit the excel reporting document by uploading it via this link.
(It's just like attaching a document to email!)
Complete Submission
In order to have a complete submission, make sure you've done these two things:
1) Enter Point-in-Time Count client information into google survey forms
2) Upload completed Housing Inventory Chart Excel Report via this link