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HMIS Comparable Databases (DV)

The NCCEH Data Center serves as HMIS Lead for NC Balance of State, Durham, and Orange CoCs and therefor provides baseline support to agencies using comparable databases. Below are HUD resources for agencies considering or using an HMIS Comparable Database.


HUD Resources

Victim Service Providers (VSPs) are defined by HUD as a private nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to provide direct services to survivors and victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking. VSPs do not participate in HMIS due to a federal VAWA Act prohibition.  

Victim Service Provider agencies receiving HUD McKinney-Vento funds (Emergency Solutions Grant or Continuum of Care) funds are responsible for entering, managing, and storing project data in an HMIS comparable database. 

Per HUD, “To be truly a comparable database, it must be a relational database that meets all HMIS data standards and the minimum standards of HMIS privacy and security requirements. It also must be able to produce the comma separated values (.csv) files required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).

Below are the current HUD published regulations and guidance for FY2022 (which begins Oct 1, 2021), which can be used to guide the expectations to follow for creating and maintaining an HMIS comparable databases:

Overall Requirements

  • HMIS Comparable Database Decision Tree – This document reviews the process to be taken to determine if an agency or project is required to use HMIS or an HMIS Comparable Database.
  • 2004 Data and Technical Standards Notice – This guidance sets forth the requirements of HUD for all HMIS enrolled and HMIS comparable agencies as it pertains to privacy and security standards. E.g., software security, data security, client privacy and grievance rights.
  • FY2022 HUD Data Standards – this guidance sets forth requirements of HUD as it pertains to data collection.  It can be used to help users understand the data elements that are required to meet participation and reporting requirements established by HUD
  • FY2022 HMIS CSV Export – this guidance details the format and validation requirements for HUD's most comprehensive standard data export. This tool is directed at vendors.
  • System Performance Measures - this guidance sets forth requirements for comparable database developers in order to produce key outcome metrics.

 Funding Requirements

  • ESG Program HMIS Manual – this guidance specifically outlines data collection for the Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) Program and should be reviewed by any project receiving ESG dollars. It explains what data is to be collected and how it should be collected.
  • CoC Program HMIS Manual - this guidance specifically outlines data collection for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program and should be reviewed by any project receiving CoC dollars. It explains what data is to be collected and how it should be collected.
  • CoC APR and ESG CAPER Programming Specifications– this guidance explains how the federal Annual Performance Report (APR) for CoC funded projects and the federal Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for ESG funded projects, should be programmed to meet HUD’s standards.  This tool should be reviewed by agencies, and their vendors.
  • CE APR Programming Specifications - if your agency is CoC funded for coordinated entry activities, these separate reporting programming specifications are required for Coordinated Entry APRs.


NCCEH Resources

For Agencies

  • HMIS Comparability Data Collection Checklist - this brief checklist to support agencies determine if their database meets HUD's basic standards. While not comprehensive, this checklist is a good start!
  • HMIS Privacy & Security Training - many of the same principles for agency and user responsibilities apply to VSPs. You can view this training to help ground staff in the technical aspects of privacy.
  • HMIS Data Standards Training - since HMIS Data Standards are the same for comparable databases, use these intro videos can to review what HUD questions mean for data collection.
  • HMIS Data Collections forms - reference our paper forms to make sure you collect necessary data. You'll find forms for every project type on our Admin page.
  • Email our Helpdesk at if your agency has questions. We'll let you know if we can help!


So how do you know if you have an HMIS Comparable Database?

We recommend you start with these three checks:

  1. Can your database produce a CoC-APR or ESG-CAPER that passes a Sage Test? Follow the Test Run steps on page 21 (skip everything before that) to see if your reports are accepted!
  2. Send the Data Center your paper forms. Ask us to check your forms against the Data Standards!
  3. Ask your software vendor. Do they confirm that your software meets the "Overall Requirements" listed above? (They should do the technical work to confirm this!)


Contact the Data Center Helpdesk and we'll help you find the answers you need!