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Best Practices: Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

What is Rapid Re-Housing?

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) is a model that recognizes some homeless individuals and families need only limited financial assistance and services in order to regain housing and stability. RRH allows for quick re-entry into housing paired with services to enable housing stability. 
The longer a person is homeless, the greater the economic, social, and physical impact.  RRH is a a housing first model that protects people from the devastating impacts of long-term homelessness.   
RRH financial assistance may include: rental arrears, application fees, security deposits, last month's rent, utility deposits, moving costs, and rental assistance up to 24 months. RRH services may include: housing search/placement, housing stability case management, mediation, legal services, and budgeting/money management. The National Alliance to End Homelessness identifies three core components of RRH programs: housing identification, financial rental and move-in assistance, and case management and services. 

Target Population

The Rapid Re-Housing model targets homeless individuals and families who could quickly and successfully transition out of homelessness with the provision of immediate and limited assistance.  

Links to Resources

A detailed and user-friendly guide created by the Alliance, this manual provides evidence of the success of the Rapid Re-Housing model and a step-by-step process for agencies working towards program implementation.
The Alliance provides five 10-15 minute modules focused around the primary issues related to Rapid Re-Housing: Housing Barriers, Housing Search and Location, Designing Subsidies, Service Provision, and Outcomes and Evaluation. These step-by-step brief trainings offer great insight into the development, implementation, and evaluation of Rapid Re-Housing programs.
This interactive map provides a representation of successes for Rapid Re-Housing programs throughout the nation.  Simply click on a “house” icon and discover a particular area’s outcomes.
The Alliance has created a web page with multiple resources for best practices related to re-housing survivors of domestic violence.  Recognizing that adjustments need to be made to ensure the safety and well-being of survivors and staff, the Alliance outlines the flexibility of the Rapid Re-Housing program and the success that has been demonstrated through the utilization of this model.

Funding Opportunities for Rapid Re-Housing

  • Continuum of Care Program
  • Emergency Solutions Grant Program
  • Veterans Administration: Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF)

Approaches that Work: Moving from Transitional Housing to Rapid Re-Housing

This informative webinar provides tips on how transitional programs can evaluate their programs and assess the possibility of shifting into a Rapid Re-Housing model that moves people more quickly into permanent housing.
Illustrated here is a case example of a transitional housing program in Grand Rapids, MI that has retooled their temporary housing model into a Rapid Re-Housing approach.  The executive director points to the goals of anticipating and gathering resources and remaining focused on priorities.

Approaches that Work: Exemplary Programs

Though HPRP funding is no longer available, Rapid Re-Housing is still thriving!  At this website, HUD has provided stories of community successes utilizing prevention and the Rapid Re-Housing model.
A webinar outlining the implementation and successes of an Ohio HPRP program, this training will provide insight into the specifics of Rapid Re-Housing planning, development, and community application. Speakers highlight the efforts to build coalitions and leverage current funding streams in order to create a successful and efficient Rapid Re-Housing program.
This document provides brief accounts of the successes of Rapid Re-Housing programs nationwide.