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Beta Test for HMIS@NCCEH Trainings

Thank you for giving your feedback on our new suite of HMIS Assessments and Trainings. The Data Center is committed to listening to our on-the-ground HMIS users. Your assessments and trainings should work for you! If you can submit your comments through our survey below, we will be able to compile them for revisions. While we may not be able to immediately incorporate your suggestions (as we work around reporting requirements), we greatly value them! 

If you have suggestions about how users can be regularly engaged in the training development process in the future, please feel free to share that as well. The HMIS@NCCEH Advisory Board will work on a more formal process soon.


Training Feedback Survey


Paper Assessment Forms

[To be posted]


HMIS Training Videos

HMIS@NCCEH Orientation (17 min)

Privacy and Security (30 min)

Introduction to ServicePoint (13 min)

Introduction to HMIS Data Standards (1 hour 12 min total)

  1. Intro (4 min)
  2. Project Types (12 min)
  3. Data Collection Stages (13 min)
  4. Demographics (12 min)
  5. Special Populations and Geography (10 min)
  6. Chronic Homelessness (11 min)
  7. Income, Benefits, and DV History (6 min)
  8. Housing Move-In Date and Exit Destination (4 min)

Introduction to Data Entry (1 hr 39 min total)

  1. Before You Enter Data - Find/Add Clients (20 min) 
  2. Households (14 min)
  3. Electronic ROIs (8 min)
  4. Project Start (15 min)
  5. Interim Updates and Annual Assessments (9 min)
  6. Updating Sub-Assessments (13 min)
  7. Service Transactions (12 min)
  8. Project Exit (8 min)