Ending Veteran Homelessness
On one night during the last week of January 2019, there were 904 veterans experiencing homelessness in North Carolina. This is a 28% decrease from 2011 despite a 4% increase from 2018 to 2019. Communities are creating crisis response systems that address the immediate need through shelter while working to quickly move people into permanent housing.
View printable 2019 Infographic on Veterans Experiening Homelessness
In June 2015, Governor Pat McCrory announced a statewide initiative to address and end veteran homelessness in North Carolina. The announcement highlighted the initial steps being taken to create a statewide structure to coordinate and consolidate the important work already underway in several local areas, and to further identify support and resources to expand successful models to other parts of the state.
Organizations and agencies from across the state have spearheaded this effort. The North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness provided primary leadership for this work. These organizations convened a task force composed of additional statewide leaders, dubbed Operation Home, to provide guidance and oversight to the work, and that task force continues to serve as a committee of the Governor’s Working Group on Veterans and Their Families
A Preliminary Report: Status of Veteran Homelessness in North Carolina was released on June 24, 2016.