Partner Up! Federal Resources
This site guides users by through the basics, by role, and by funding to provide a foundation for data collection and entry requirements
HMIS Data Standards
This page has the most recent HMIS Data Standards Manual containing data collection requirements, instructions, and descriptions for the foundation of HMIS' analytical power. It also lists the HMIS Data Dictionary to provide the HMIS software requirements to fulfill data collection outlined in the HMIS Data Standards.
Project Set-Up Tool
This excel tool, along with reference to the HMIS Data Standards, specifies how to structure projects in HMIS and which data elements are reuired for collection depending on a project's funding source
Coordinated Entry Core Elements Guide
This is a thorough review of the HUD's design requirements as well as best practices that go beyond the HUD Notice to establish Coordinated Entry
HUD Mailing Lists
Updates straight from the source
Chronic Homeless Definition Resources
All of HUD's tools, guides, and standards relating to the Chronic Homeless status and how it impacts programs.
HMIS Standard Reporting Terminology Glossary For those interested in how reports use HMIS Data Standards to measure outcomes, this is the foundational guide for you! It puts into words the logic and language required to produce reports required by HUD and the Federal Partners. The Glossary was originally created by HMIS Vendors for HMIS Vendors and has been updated with changes in data standards since then. |
Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) NoticeThe official HUD announcement full of detailed requirements for executing the Point in Time homeless count and the bed and unit Housing Inventory County for tracking community capacity |
System Performance Measures (SPMs) |
Introductory Guide to Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) |
HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding CoC Program Description and Resources This dashboard has foundational reference materials such as regulations, webinars, and official HUD announcements for CoC projects CoC HMIS Manual This manual contains the data collection, data entry, and HMIS set-up requirements specific to HOPWA projects Reporting: Annual Performance Report Guides, Tools, and Webinars HUD's dashboard for materials to help you understand and submit your APR Sage CoC APR Guidebook The relatively new repository called Sage is revolutionizing CoC APR submission and this guide will help you get ready to press submit |
HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Funding ESG Program Description and Resources This dashboard has foundational reference materials such as regulations, webinars, and official HUD announcements for ESG projects ESG Program HMIS Manual This manual contains the data collection, data entry, and HMIS set-up requirements specific to ESG projects Sage ESG CAPER Guidebook The relatively new repository called Sage is revolutionizing CoC APR submission and this guide will help you get ready to press submit |
HUD Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Funding HOPWA Program Description and Resources HUD's dashboard of materials such as regulations, webinars, and official HUD announcements to help get acclimated to HOPWA projects HOPWA HMIS Manual This manual contains the data collection, data entry, and HMIS set-up requirements specific to HOPWA projects Reporting: HOPWA CAPER and APR Submission Guidance and resources for submitting the annual CAPER and APR reports |
HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Funding HUD-VASH Program Description and Resources HUD's dashboard of materials such as regulations, webinars, and official HUD announcements HUD-VASH: VA Resources The VA's dashboard for materials and guidance HUD-VASH Program HMIS Manual This manual contains the data collection, data entry, and HMIS set-up requirements specific to HUD-VASH projects |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Funding SAMHSA Publications and Resources Look here for the latest reports or webinars to support your project SAMHSA Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Program This page describes the mission and components of PATH projects HMIS PATH Manual This manual contains the data collection, data entry, and HMIS set-up requirements specific to PATH projects Video on PATH Outreach Data Collection This video uses a fictional example to explain how project entry, contacts, enrollment, services and referrals, and project exit record client engagement. PATH Data Exchange The repository where you will submit annual reports - make sure to bookmark this! State Contacts for PATH projects Local support and regulations are run through these fine folks, but you can also ask the Data Center to help you connect |
VA Data Guide VA Grants Per Diem Program Description and Resources |